We had the pleasure of working with Shari and Lucas during January 08.
The Sofitel Hotel in Brisbane set the scene for a fantastic afternoon and evening.
While Shari enjoyed here preparation and the sights of the city from up high...

... the boys were having fun in the foyer...

Then it was off to the ceremony at Bowen Hills.

The city precint near Customs House and the Brisbane River provided some beautiful opportunities for our couple and bridal party to enjoy the moment and of course capture some great pics...

As the sun set, we headed for Victoria Park Golf Course for a few last moments before the evening settled down to the usual joyous festivities.

THANKS again to Shari & Lucas (and the bridal party) for a fantastic day - It was great to spend the time with you all.
Please visit our site at http://www.endorsphotography.com.au/